
I think my favorite thing to do in my paintings of monsters is to cast them as not quite so scary. I have learned in my own life to face those things that I fear with compassion. Oftentimes, my anxieties and fears are merely trying to protect me from unforeseen danger. Sometimes I am afraid of things I might not understand.

There is a story that I have heard about individuals who do psychedelic assisted therapies to deal with trauma. While under the influence, the person might come across a monster. The monster may feel terrifying and overwhelming. With the help of the therapist, these individuals are asked to take a deeper look at the monster. Upon doing so, many will invariably see that there is something very much wrong with the monster. Perhaps it is in pain or struggling. The individuals emerge from this experience feeling very differently about their trauma. They no longer feel at fault or afraid. They heal and move on. For some reason, those stories resonate when I think about my monsters.